
Al-Qaida Bomb-Specialist Declares Vengeage on the U.S

The bomb-maker also threatens Saudi Arabia over execution of the group's militant in the past., Jakarta An expert at bomb-making from one of the most notorious terrorist contingents of all time, Al- Qaida has recently released a recording on Monday threatening the United States and Saudi Arabia in an attempt to counter-attack the two superpowers ventures in the past hitherto against the group with particular hatred concentrated on the execution of the militants.

Foxnews explains the Yemeni-branch Al-Qaeda’s bomb-creator Ibrahim bin Hassan al-Asiri has instructed the group’s official media arm to deliver his message of vengeance against ‘Crusaders occupying the Arabian Peninsula’.

“By God, we will not let you go as long as there is a pulsing vein in our body,” he stated.

According to BBC, the potent explosives-expert had built devices in the past which ere exploited by his younger brother during August 2009 assassination attempt on Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister and by a young Nigerian man who wore the bomb as underwear prepared to be detonated in an aircraft over the US on Christmas day.

He sophistically crafted the powerful explosive pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) and gave it to a Saudi-recruited double agent with the hope that he triggered an explosion inside US-bound flight.

CNN depicts through video that the warmonger was born in April 1982 into a pious military family in the Saudi capital Riyadh and now sought to declare and show the fact that ‘ISIS is not the only terror group that is a threat to the U.S’.

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