
Indonesia to put its 'KFX Jet Fighter' Project on Hold

Indonesia was working with South Korea in a project designing military aircraft until the project announced to be postponed., Jakarta Indonesian Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu announces the postponement of KFX/IFX fighter jet combined project of Indonesia and South Korea that were initially designed to allow for the advancement in military technology that would strengthen both nation’s defense power.

The reason for the postponement was because of the growing realization as to how the military aircraft holds no importance for the time being and focus should be placed upon instruments that are proven useful for current purposes.

According to Ryamizard, there are many things that hold more importance in the field of military than that of the reconstruction of a jet fighter as combined project of Indonesia and South Korea.

He said that instrumental weapon system of Indonesia should be increased in quantities and improved in qualities.

“We have to postpone our jet fighter ambition and use the budget for something that is much more important. Instrumental weapon system should be our main priority now because it is ready to use and its function is adaptable to whatever mission we currently have," Ryamizard said on Monday 7 September 2025.

Ryamizard however, said that the postponement does not signal any likeliness of closure on the project. There is the possibility that the project will continue in the future until the right timing has been set and agreed by both countries.

Indonesia has longing for the production of military aircraft made by its own creative minds and therefore there is a very high likeliness that the project will continue in the future.

“Aircraft industry is not that important at the moment. We can buy them some time in the future. Perhaps in 10 years” he concluded. (Akp/Ein)

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