Inspector Tito:Alam Sutera Mall 'Bomb' Similar to ITC Depok one

An explosion occurred in the men's toilet of Alam Sutera mall LG floor earlier this afternoon. Police currently probes on the case.

oleh Pramita TristiawatiAndreas Gerry TuwoAdanti Pradita diperbarui 28 Okt 2015, 18:15 WIB
Kardus diduga berisi bom rakitan di ITC Depok. ( Allatif), Jakarta Alam Sutera mall customers were in profound shock earlier this afternoon as they heard the sound of a loud banging allegedly originating from the men’s toilet located in the LG floor of that mall. Situated in Banten, Tangerang, this mall has previously experienced situation akin to this one with the first explosion reported to be on Thursday July 9 2015 and then followed by this one.

Such calamitous incident has caused for one employee to be seriously injured and immediately evacuated to nearest hospital for further medical treatment. It came as a big shock to everyone who was there as the explosion occurred during the time when the mall is particularly busy.

“Yes, the explosion occurred in the men’s room, we have one victim whose let leg, thigh and ankle severely wounded,” Head of Jakarta Regional Police, Inspector Tito Karnavian said as he inspected the site, Wednesday (28/10/2015).

It also came as a surprise to many as the time of the explosion and the location of the suspicious object is similar to the one in July.

It can be seen that the explosion severely damaged two of the men’s toilet cubicles and caused for the mirror and door to be shattered into pieces. A large fume of smoke immediately covered the area but it surely did not hinder the investigating authorities from locating cables and batteries that might have been used to trigger such explosives.

Investigating officers from Jakarta Regional Police department along with Special Detachment 88 anti- terror team stated the alarming fact about how the explosives they found in Alam Sutera mall is similar to the ones identified in ITC Depok, West Java which has wrecked havoc back in February this year.

“We somewhat identify a signature character of the explosives that they make, we are now beginning to see a trend linking one case to another,” Inspector Tito Karnavian stated early in July 2015. (Akp/Rie)

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