Singapore Sought to Help Indonesia Addressing 'Smog' Issue

Singapore is one of the countries affected by smog occurring in the areas of Sulawesi and Kalimantan in Indonesia.

oleh Silvanus AlvinAdanti Pradita diperbarui 16 Sep 2015, 09:00 WIB
Kabut asap mengancam ajang Singapore Grand Prix, yang akan digelar akhir pekan mendatang., Jakarta - Vice President Jusuf Kalla concern over exacerbating smog which has drastically turned the bright blue sky of Sumatera and Kalimantan areas into a dark full of haze.

He has allowed for the Singaporean government to come to Indonesia's aid in overcoming such disastrous natural occurrence.

This is deemed necessitated especially with such smog reportedly bringing an impact to the Singaporen region as well.

"Singapore is ready to help us. I believe that it is necessary and appropriate as it is no longer a surprise to see its impact felt anywhere else in the region,” Vice President Jusuf Kalla said on Tuesday 15 September 2015.

"We will work hard, along with Singapore who is also affected by the smog, to deal with such natural disaster," he continued.

According to Jusuf Kalla, the presence of smog is the concern of many nations and therefore collective solutions are needed to address such issue. This is for him is not an issue at a national scale but at regional one.

Today (16/9/2015), all involving government institutions will coordinate in the alleviation and containment of smog before it deteriorates into other areas of currently affected countries.

Discussion on such issue will also be talked about in a private meeting held by the cabinet. (Akp/Tnt)

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