
Diet Lemak Sehat, Jerawat di Wajah Rachel Perlahan Hilang

Rachel, remaja perempuan yang aktif di Instagram, telah membuktikan bahwa makanan turut memengaruhi pertumbuhan jerawat di wajahnya., Jakarta Jerawat yang besar, merah, dan jumlahnya banyak di wajah membuat sebagian orang jadi kurang percaya diri. Begitu pula dengan Rachel Crawley (22).

Namun, sesudah dia mengubah asupan makanan, dalam beberapa minggu jumlah jerawatnya berkurang. Sesudah beberapa kali menjajal mengurangi makanan, Rachel tahu makanan penyebab jerawatnya tumbuh subur.

Rupanya, asupan karbohidrat dan gula berlebih yang menyebabkan jerawatnya agresif. "Sesudah tiga hari aku setop mengonsumsi makanan itu dan mengonsumsi lemak sehat, tahu tidak? Langsung tidak ada jerawat baru yang muncul," ujar Rachel.

Ini Rachel ungkapkan di akun Instagram pribadinya seperti dikutip Independent, Sabtu (1/4/2017).


🌟My progress since starting this page🌟 no Medication ✖️ High fat vegan plant based diet (nothing processed) Real whole foods, natural minimal skin care routine ✔️ People are happy to take strong medication that can lead to bad side effects in are bodies but aren't willing to change there diet which is safe and better for our health. Remember that everyone has there struggles in life. Most of us choose not share them. Most people with acne don't share it because there ashamed but why should we it's only a stage in our life it won't last forever and it certainly doesn't make us any less of a person. Clear skin or acne you are the same person. I get asked how can I be confident when my skin looks like this? The reason I decided to accept myself for how I looked is because for years I suffered with acne and for years I let my mental health take over, ruin relationships, stop me going out ect all because I was insecure and worried about other people's opinions. Because let's be honest acne isn't nice to look at. I knew I couldn't carry on being this hard on myself to the point I would cry and have a lot of built up stress causing headaches. I thought about the days when I used to have no worries when I was younger and here's what I came up with- I wasn't living life trying to impress anyone I wore no makeup so never felt less beautiful I didn't spend my time trying to make myself look perfect I didn't sit at home comparing myself to others on Instagram It's the world we live in today that makes us think like this. I don't want young girls feeling the same way I did. I don't want them to think they have to look a certain way to be accepted or beautiful. They need more role models embracing there real natural selfs because that is real life. I know how hard it can be but please please practice self love and believe in yourself this alone will make you feel better 💛🌸✨ ------------------------------------------------

Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Rachel Crawley ☾❂ ॐ (@asprinkleofhealthandbeauty) pada

Rachel mengaku, perubahan ini terjadi hanya dengan mengubah asupan makanan. Dirinya sama sekali tidak mengonsumsi obat atau krim tertentu.

"Aku mengonsumsi makanan tinggi lemak nabati. Dan, perawatan wajah sederhana secara rutin," kata Rachel.

Kini, Rachel menjadi vegetarian dan jerawat di wajahnya tidak terlalu parah. Otomatis percaya dirinya meningkat.

* Fakta atau Hoaks? Untuk mengetahui kebenaran informasi yang beredar, silakan WhatsApp ke nomor Cek Fakta 0811 9787 670 hanya dengan ketik kata kunci yang diinginkan.

  • Jerawat (acne) adalah gangguan pada kulit yang berhubungan dengan produksi minyak (sebum) berlebih.
