
Police Drugs-Operation Saves the Country Rp 206 Billion

Four Chinese nationals have been arrested for drugs-trafficking charges on a joint operation between police and customs., Jakarta - Police unit at the Soekarno-Hatta International airport made a successful bust on international drugs smugglers who have carried large quantity of drugs into the country. Scores of personnel have been assigned to perform operation from the 9th through to the 21st of August on drugs-traffickers and recent accumulated captures led to a finding of 94 kilograms of crystal meth and hundred thousands of ecstasy pills.

When combined, the total value of these smuggled drugs amounting to Rp 206.494.500.000.

Four Chinese nationals have been detained following reports of their potential memberships in an international-scale drugs syndicate network that has been facilitating illegal drugs exchanges between Goangzhou and Jakarta.

"With careful cooperation and coordination between customs officers and police force, we were able to capture 4 Chinese Nationals and confiscated elicit drugs worth billions," Soekarno-Hatta Chief Police Officer, Patoppoi informed in Banten, Thursday (27/8/2015).

The arrest began with growing suspicion placed upon 2 Chinese Nationals who tried to hide 10 meth packages inside their luggage. Moments later, police found the evidence giving enough rights for them to make the arrest a lawful one.

The initial capture led to another capture of their accomplices. As the case develops, 5 places were raided with authority finding out the fact that these places have been housing smuggled drugs. (Akp/Tnt)

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