Bali Nine Execution Deadline Soon, TNI Assures no Intervention

TNI assigned to secure the parameter in anticipation of any unwanted attempts to hinder the execution process by certain parties.

oleh Ahmad Romadoni Adanti Pradita diperbarui 23 Feb 2015, 17:54 WIB
Efek Bali Nine, TNI Terbangkan Sukhoi Jaga Perbatasan 2 Negara ( Divianta), Jakarta In trying to express their discontentment and disapproval regarding the decision of President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo to implement an arguably sadistic capital punishment to a number of drugs-offenders from various countries, Brazil and Australia exerted all of their efforts to manoeuvre the President’s plan. It started with personal requests from the leaders of both countries, clemency requests of the death row inmates, moratorium and now threats of their ambassadors in Indonesia being summoned back to their country of origin.

Drugs issue in Indonesia synonymous to acute cancer. It is particularly difficult to remove, it may go away for a while. But like it or not, it will come back and haunt those who are susceptible to it. With many recent incidents and accidents on the streets due to drugs- usage, additionally, with the successful capture of the notorious group Wo Chi Ping originating from Hong Kong, Indonesia finally realizes the dire need of strategies to combat drugs. One of them is to execute those who distribute it within this country.

Once the chain is broken, it is easier to penetrate the smaller dealers and prevent them from distributing it even further. Eventually, with the distribution becoming lessened, buyers will have no access to the drugs and they will be exhausted due to its scarcity. By executing those who have been named drugs-dealers, President Jokowi thinks this will create a deterrent effect to others. So, those who see Indonesia as sadistic will reconsider their actions should they decide to do drugs.

This decision of course, is rejected by the Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbot and the brazillian President, Dilma Rousseff. This is primarily because their citizens are the subjects to such capital punishment. There was even a notion claiming that President Jokowi is being racist. However, this statement ws immediately rebuked, knowing that President Jokowi also instructed the firing squad to execute Indonesian citizen who was believed to be the courier of her drug-dealing friend. Thus, in this particular circumstance, President Jokowi is trying to be fair as he does not take into account the fact that some of the death row inmates belong to his nation.

But surely, criticism and anger will deteriorate as long as the execution continues. The Secretary General of The United Nation, Ban Ki Moon also complained by requesting for Indonesia to stop applying such capital punishment for drugs-offenders. Indonesia however, remains true to its unwavering ambition to punish those who have ruined the nation by distributing drugs in Indonesia. President Jokowi rationale is that executing two people who probably have indirectly killed hundreds or thousands due to the drugs given or distributed.

With rejections coming from all over the world, securing the perimeter for the execution process is of great importance. In trying to assure the security throughout the process, the Indonesian Armed Forces Commander Jenderal Moeldoko said that he has readied his troops to secure the parameter and make sure that the execution goes well without any intervention from any other party.

"We are militarily ready to handle any kind of situation, including the ones that try to halt or stop the execution process," Moeldoko said shortly after a meeting with GP Anshor at the TNI headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Monday (23/02/2015).

Moeldoko said that all the manouvres done by both Australia and Brazil are ways for them to achieve their very own political and parochial interest. While it is true that this matter is based on political reason, the presence of armed forces is deemed necessary to assure the safety of all.

"In the context of politics, it is surely none of my business. But as for the safety and sovereignty of my country, I will do whatever it takes to secure it. Don’t mess with me," Moeldoko firmly stated.

TNI has anticipated all kinds of unwanted events throughout the execution. That is why he reminds all parties and individuals to stay away and not hinder the process as the consequence will be too much to bear.

"I will not let anyone hinder the execution process. If anyone dares to halt the process, they have to face the consequences," Moeldoko concluded. (Akp/Mut)

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