
RI-Malaysia Ready to Address Migrant Workers Issue

The meeting of both leaders involved discussion surrounding the topic of investment opportunities in Indonesia., Jakarta President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo has just visited Malaysia where he went to meet the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to discuss a number of topics deemed necessary for the better relationship of both nations.

Among many topics discussed, the one that crossed their mind is the issue regarding Indonesian migrant workers there. President Jokowi and PM Najib have both agreed upon the furthering of Indonesian migrant workers protection in Malaysia.

"In the case of Indonesian migrant workers, both sides have agreed upon the better protection of Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia," as stated by the Ministry of Foreign Relations to, Friday (05/02/2015). 

"The efforts toward establishing a more cohere security for those migrant workers include sending workers from a legitimate facilitator or agency in accordance to the procedures. So, there will be no more workers coming from unknown agency who cant assure their safety abroad," the statement continues.

Both nations have already established a memorandum of understanding about the recruitment and the stationing of Indonesian migrant workers there back in 2006 and 2011. This memorandum will continue to be the platform for the issue of Indonesian migrant workers there, only this time its implementation has to be real and felt by the workers as to prevent them from encountering problems.

Apart from the issue of migrant workers, both leaders from Indonesia and Malaysia have decided to open up a Community Learning Centres (CLCs). The location will be Sabah, Sarawak.

"The Malaysian Prime Minister will also give permits for the construction of Community Learning Centres (CLCs) in Sabah, Serawak so that all children of Indonesian migrant workers can have easier access to education," the Ministry of Foreign Relations said.

"Both Indonesia and Malaysia have a mandatory obligation. That is to give children an access to education. This is the obligation initially announced by UNESCO."

Moreover, both nations also took time to discuss the economic relationship between the two that can be enhanced overtime. This means there will be intensification on the trade and investment opportunities in both countries. The two countries will start with helping each other promote the investment opportunities available within both countries.

President Jokowi also took time to inform Malaysian PM that there will be an Asia- Africa conference on the 22- 4 April in Jakarta and Bandung. Thus, he personally invited the Malaysian PM to attend the event. (Akp/Ein)


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