
Indonesian Flag Flown At Half-Mast in Kobar for AirAsia QZ8501

To show condolences the government at Pangkalan Bun has requested for all citizens to set their flags on half mast., Pangkalan Bun - The AirAsia QZ8501 tragedy has attracted both nationwide and worldwide attention. The Airbus A320-200 went missing since Sunday 28 December 2014. Although combined forces from various nations have helped local authorities in successfully locating the areas which most evidence were found, that is around the Karimata Strait, some of the debris belonging to the aircraft as well as the remaining passengers have not yet been found.

Not only Indonesia, but also the international society has shown their most profound grief for this lost. Statement of condolences have been delivered from all parts of the world, in regards to missing aircraft that carried 155 passengers along with 7 of its cabin crew.

Pangkalan Bun has been chosen as the primary post for search and evacuation mission of AirAsia QZ8501. Administratively, Pangkalan Bun is controlled under the government of Kotawaringin Barat (Kobar).

In commemorating this tragic event, The government of Kobar has instructed all citizens to have their Indonesian flags flown at half-mast. This act symbolizes citizens profound empathy towards the tragedy and for those who lost their lives.

"Indonesian flag flown at half mast portrays the Kobar citizens empathy and condolences towards the incident. I have instructed all head of districts through a written statement to set their flags at half mast," said the regent of Kobar Ujang Iskandar at Imanuddin hospital, Central Kalimantan, Sunday (4/1/2015).

As observed by, all the houses alongside Lanud Iskandar Pangkalan Bun through to Panglima Utar Kumai ports, it can be seen that the flags in front of citizens houses are flown at half mast.

Not only public houses, government offices and other healthcare and education facilities have also used  this method to share their condolences. (Akp/Tnt)

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