West Java Police Forbids Use of Fireworks on New Years Eve

Fireworks and firecrackers have reportedly disturbed the animal conservation area in Puncak, West Java.

oleh Adanti PraditaAchmad Sudarno diperbarui 29 Des 2015, 12:00 WIB
Fireworks and firecrackers have reportedly disturbed the animal conservation area in Puncak, West Java.

Liputan6.com, Jakarta West Java police has recently issued policy forbidding the people in the area to celebrate new years with fireworks or firecrackers like they have in the past several years.

According to them, the policy does not exclude areas such as Puncak and Bogor where usage have been reported as most persistent.

Police force in the area sought to cooperate with hotel owners within this region to assure that no one fails to abide the rule.

“We plan to discuss cooperative measures with hotel owners on Tuesday at Bogor Police Headquarter. We have invited and explained to them that it is necessary to attend to get the bigger picture as to why we forbid the use of firecrackers and fireworks on New Years Eve,” Bogor Police Chief Suyudi Ario Seto said on Monday 28 December 2015.

According to Suyudi, hotel owners will face detrimental consequences should it fail to assure that no one resort to using firecrackers on New Years Eve.

“Those who manage to sell the stuff will also face legal consequences,” he reaffirmed.

Suyudi however further explains that not all types of fireworks or firecrackers are forbidden to be used on Ne Years Eve.

The smaller type is still tolerable as it does not produce irritating sound that might disturb the environment such as the one beyond 2,5 inch which reportedly has caused for environmental disturbance in the area of Puncak where animal conservation is situated.


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