Jokowi: IT Plays Crucial Role in Improving Peoples' Welfare

President Jokowi seeks for the creation of applications that could help government address and manage national issues.

oleh Luqman RimadiAdanti Pradita diperbarui 23 Sep 2015, 09:31 WIB
Presiden Joko Widodo. ( Fanani), Jakarta - It cannot be denied that technology has now earned a popular status in every country in the world. In Indonesia itself, the subject of Information Technology is given a special entitlement and is particularly evident, through the event of software making competition called 'Hackaton Merdeka 2015' facilitated by the Presidential Staff Office which was held on Tuesday 22 September 2015.

President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo was seen to be very excited in welcoming the participants and the event's committee prior to the competition session. In his speech, he went to explain the importance of using Information Technology and Communication as the instrument to spur transparency, especially in the matter concerning the prices of food commodities and how it could help benefiting all involving parties in the subject.

"We must avoid benefiting one side only, and therefore we have to prevent people from gaining asymmetrical type of information as it would give them access to monopolization," President Jokowi stated.

According to President Jokowi, the development in the sector of IT and Communication should also be adjusted to the needs of the people, consumers in general, farmers, fishermen and traders.

"I very much desire the creation of applications in the virtual realm that could help the government address the nation’s issues to its core so it is easier to improve the welfare of the overall population," he continued.

‎Indonesian Trade Minister, Thomas Lembong, Agriculture Minister, Amran Sulaiman, Communication and Informatio Minister, Rudiantara and Chief Presidential Staff, Teten Masduki were also present during the event. (Akp/Tnt)

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