
Luhut Pandjaitan Role Shifts from Ambassadorial to Ministerial

Luhut Pandjaitan has been chosen as a replacement to the recently reshuffled Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister., Jakarta Former Chief of Presidential Staff, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has been appointed to replace the recently reshuffled Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister, Tedjo Edhy Purdjiatno position.

He may belong to the political party of Golkar, one that does not share similar outlook in many aspects and definitely was not the supporter of President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla government, but apparently he has been chosen to fill in such position.

Luhut spent most of his career life in the military before he decided to participate in the intrinsic realm political spectrum.

Well known to be one of the leading and eminent graduates of Military Academy back in the 70s, he spent a long period of time growing accustomed to the environment and the routines of Indonesian Special Command of Ground Force (Kopassus TNI AD).

He is also prominent for his previous position as the Commander for the first 81 detachment and his political position as the Minister of Industrial Affairs and Trade during Gus Dur era.

Prior to his appointment as a Minister, he served as the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore. He spent his adolescent years actively engaging himself in organizations that have evidently equipped him with methods of leadership that is beneficial for his current post. (Akp/Rie)

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