Killed Intelligence Members Linked to Police Discovery of Drugs

Joint TNI-Polri discovered marijuana plantation and crystal meth in the midst of investigation on killed intelligence personnel in Aceh.

oleh Audrey SantosoAdanti Pradita diperbarui 30 Mar 2015, 13:52 WIB
Sejumlah anggota Kopassus TNI AD bersiap mengikuti Latihan Gabungan Gultor Tri Matra IX TA.2014 di Halim Perdanakusuma Jakarta, Senin (1/12/2014). Latihan penanggulangan teror untuk memelihara kedaulatan NKRI. ( Fithriansyah), Jakarta Two members from the Military District Command 0103 in North Aceh have been found dead with gun wounds on their bodies. 

Authorities are suspecting a group of armed men for this particular case. This group has also been linked to the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and Police (Polri) recent findings on hectares of marijuana plantation  and crystal meth after being raided by the joint team in North Aceh.

"This is a sporadic movement, not a systematic one. This is all can be explained in a criminal context. My men for marijuana plantation already 3 times in total. There was a 15 hectare one, 8 hectare one and the smaller one 1,5 hectare," TNI Commander Moeldoko said at TNI Headquarter, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Monday (30/3/2015).

"The men went for a sweeping in a joint mission with the police force and they found crystal meth as well. Perhaps their regular usage of these drugs causes them to kill others," TNI Commander Moeldoko further explained.

Up until now, the case is still being investigated by TNI. Commander Moeldoko views the shooting as the Aceh’s authority dislike of the TNI's presence in the region.

"They are giving as an indirect signal of hatred and objection, that is why we are going to signal them back. We will find the culprit behind the vicious act," Moeldoko informed.

The two deceased intelligence personnel, Sertu Andri and Serda Hendri was found dead, face-down, half-naked with red scarves tied the two of their feets and their body was cold and rigid.

15 bullets coming from both AK 47 and M-16 have also been found at the location which further suggests that the two have been tortured by these mighty weapons. It was speculated that the two men were kidnapped by an armed radical contingent in the area. 

The bodies are now being autopsied for further confirmation at Kesrem hospital, Lhokseumawe, Aceh.

The two men have been reported missing from Alumbang Village, North Aceh since Monday 23 March 2015. They never came back after their plan to invigilate the secluded area of North Aceh. (Akp/Riz)


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