
China to Acommodate North Sulawesi with Electricity Supply

China Energy company will develop steam power plant to help facilitate electricity needs in Bitung, North Sulawesi., Jakarta China's energy resource company, Guangxi Aojin Energy investment is planning to construct steam power plant for electricity with the capacity of 900 megawatt in Bitung, North Sulawesi.

The CEO of Guangxi Energy, Li Tianming revealed the 3 steps that will be taken in developing such steam power plant in Indonesia.

The first step is to construct the power plant with the capacity of 2 x 150 megawatt with its investment value reaching Rp 500 billion.

"For the first one, the capacity is 2 x 150 MW with investment value up to Rp 400 to 500 billion," Li explained through a written statement on Friday 1 May 2015.

Li assures that his company will start the development of ground breaking of such power plant this September.

Should the construction begin with no challenges, then it can reach its final stage in only 2,5 years.

"As for the second step, we will firstly examine the industrial needed capacity to supply North Sulawesi’s electricity," he continued.

Li shared how his company's interest to construct power plants in Bitung was driven by the prospect of economic development in the area especially with establishment of Specialized Economic Zone in the area.

The electricity generated from the power plant will serve as an instrument to facilitate local people needs.

"There is not one single industry that does not require electricity. Its importance leads to the formation of our long- term commitment to contribute in the development of any form of industry available in this area," he concluded. (Akp/Ein)


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