
West Sumatra Struggles to Fight Heavy Flooding

Similar to Jakarta, an area in West Sumatra is also deeply affected by the flood., Sumatera Barat Jakarta is not the only location deeply affected by heavy rain and flooding. Heavy rain has also attacked Kamang Baru. Sijunjung, West Sumatra. The Batang Kamang river overflowed making the Nagari River Tambang heavily flooded. The flood is catastrophic enough to make hundreds of people homeless. This tragedy also affects the traffic making some areas gridlocked with no other access to go through.

As shown on Liputan6 Siang SCTV on Saturday (22/11/2014), the houses and shops around the area are still inundated. All activities had to stop due to this heavy flooding.

This flood is considered as the largest in the Kamang Baru area. (Ein)

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