Indonesia Economically Strong Despite Trimmed Australia Aid

Indonesian Foreign Minister denies speculation suggesting such trimming as repercussion to Bali Nine Duo execution.

oleh Luqman RimadiAdanti Pradita diperbarui 14 Mei 2015, 15:02 WIB
Menteri Luar Negeri Retno LP Marsudi. (ANTARA FOTO/Andika Wahyu), Jakarta - The relationship between Indonesia and Australia was at stake, following the execution of the Bali Nine Duo, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran at the Nusakambangan Correctional Institution, Cilacap, Central Java. In trying to express its popular outcry, Australia has previously recalled its Ambassador to Indonesia.

The relation between the two nations worsened with Australia’s firm stance on cutting aid budget to Indonesia by 40%.

Indonesian government, however, rejects the notion of correlating the cutting off of aid budget with the execution of Bali Nine. Foreign Minister, Retno LP Marsudi remarks on such growing speculation and says that the budget cut off is Australia’s acknowledgment of Indonesia’s promising economic growth.

She views Australia’s gesture as a positive one supporting Indonesia’s economic independence. Additionally, Indonesia is now finally capable of becoming a fund donor, after for so many years being the recipient of foreign aid.

"Our economy is growing more rapidly than ever, i suppose that is why we are no longer dependent to some countries or foreign aid in trying to achieve development goals. Now, we have the ability to help other instead of being helped," Minister Retno said, Thursday (14/5/2015).

When asked about the growing speculation claiming that the cutting off aid as Australia’s indirect punishment to Indonesia for executing Bali Nine Duo, Minister Retno thinks it has no direct correlation. According to her, Australia has cut its budget not only to Indonesia, but to other nations such as East Timor, Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, Philippines, Afghanistan and Palestine as well. (Akp/Tnt)

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