Australia Intensifies Support for Clemency of Bali Nine Inmates

Australia asks the Indonesian government for clemency of the two ringleaders of Bali Nine. Previous requests have been denied.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 20 Jan 2015, 16:48 WIB
Dua warga Australia terpidana mati dalam kasus penyelundupan 8,2 Kg heroin, Andrew Chan dan Myuran Sukumaran (kiri) dalam sidang peninjauan kembali di PN Denpasar, Bali, Jumat (8/10). (Antara), Jakarta - Just last Sunday (18/01/2015) at approximately 00.00 am local time, 6 death row inmates were executed after being denied clemency from President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo for large-scale drugs offenses. 5 of them were being executed at Lapangan Tembak Tunggal Panaluan, Limas Buntu Area, just behind the Nusakmbangan post, Cilacap, Central Java and the other one at Boyolali, Central Java. The five individuals executed at Nusakambangan include, Rani Andriani (Indonesian), Marco Archer Cardoso Moreira (Brazil), Namaona Enemuo alis Diarrassouba Mamadou (Nigeria) and Ang Kiem Soei (Netherland). They were shot at approximately 00.30 am local time and announced dead at 00.40 am local time. As for the Tran Thi Bich Hanh (Vietnam), she underwent the execution process at Boyolali, Central Java and was pronounced dead at 01.20 am local time after being shot at 00.45 am local time.

 Different from when Indonesia was still under the government of former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has a stricter rule against drugs. Instead of following his predecessor by giving clemency to those jailed for drugs problem, he resorts to giving death penalty. The Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and Jokowi have previously declared the notion that Indonesia is currently in an emergency state of drugs problem where it has been said to be the number one country in East Asia region to have been subjugated by the widespread of drugs.

 Jokowi's decision to put the 6 inmates into death penalty has caused some discontentment abroad. Brazil and Netherlands expressed their disappointment, as their citizens were some of the subjects to the Indonesian capital punishment. The event resulted with both countries summoned back their ambassadors in Indonesia to do what they call as ‘consultation’ in responding to the issue. The move made by Brazil and Netherlands however, did not perturb the Indonesian government as the Indonesian Vice President  Jusuf Kalla claimed that it would not intervene in the bilateral relationship between Indonesia and the recently ‘dissapointed’ countries.

"No, I don’t think it will bring such a pejorative impact to our relationship. It's the same as us having our ambassador in Australia summoned back to Jakarta. It wont affect the relationship, we have so many things to focus on domestically, don’t be bothered by external one at the moment," JK said at the vice presidential office, Jakarta, Monday (19/01/2015).

Australia Reaction

The event carried out on Sunday inevitably raised some concerns in Australia. In April 2005, 9 Australians travelled to Bali, Indonesia and were caught trying to smuggle heroin as much as 8,2 kg from Indonesia to their country of origin. The 9 individuals were all caught as they were on the same mission for drug- smuggling and thereafter the name ‘Bali 9’ populated mass media, making the name notoriously known worldwide.

With many prisoners yielded clemency by former President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the concern was a lot lessened prior to the change in government. However, with Jokowi now in power and his recent decision to give no more clemency became enhanced, it is quite likely that some of the Bali Nine prisoners will have to become the subjects of Indonesia’s resolute capital punishment.

In trying to prevent this, Australia’s Prime Minister Tony Abbott sent two letters directed to President Jokowi to ask for forgiveness and clemency so that the Bali Nine inmates can be put into considerations. It has been reported that the two individuals named Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are loitering for their turn to undergo the execution.

The Australian Minister of Foreign Relations Julia Bishop has previously sent letters to the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Relations Retno LP Marsudi but the request for clemency was denied. She said Australia will do whatever it takes to support the Bali 9 ring leaders from being executed.

 "Australia would continue to point out to Indonesia that the 2 Australians men have gone through great length to rehabilitate themselves. I don’t believe that executing people is the answer in solving the drug problem and certainly the trafficking drugs in and out of Indonesia", Julia said as quoted from Sky News.

Julia Bishop has not yet confirmed whether or not Australia would withdraw its ambassador should the President Jokowi decides for the two Bali Nine ringleaders to be sentenced to death. "I wont go into speculate into what would happen if should the Indonesian government through its threat to execute Australian," she continued.

 The head of Commission I of People’s Consultative Assembly (DPR) Tantowi Yahya reminds Jokowi to remain consistent with his decision. That is, to deny clemency of death row inmates of drugs offenses. He is hoping for the President to pay no mind to the letters being sent by the Australian PM. "President should not be affected by the letters sent by the Australian PM," Tantowi said, Jakarta, Monday (19/01/2015).

 The Bali Nine members are Andrew Chan (Ringleader), Myuran Sukumaran (Ringleader), Si Yi Chen, Michael Czuqai, Renae Lawrence, Tach Duc Thanh Nguyen, Matthew Norman, Scott Rush and Martin Stephens. (Akp/Riz)



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