
Arrested Female Courier Reveals Nigerian Drug Lord in Depok

The National Narcotics Agency is currently in pursuance of a Nigerian drug- dealer currently residing in the area of Depok., Jakarta One Indonesian female is currently entrapped in a drug-related case. She has made the wrong choice of having a love affair with a Nigerian man whose intention was to make her a courier for the drugs that he sell.

The normal relationship lasted for only 4 months with the following months after that spent mostly serving his demands of taking these drugs from one place to another.

Such action immediately led to her arrest by the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency (BNN) with findings reported to be 13 female purses filled with crystal meth.

BNN officers have already learned that there was a widespread distribution of crystal meth in Depok area and have been informed that the drugs were hidden inside female purses prior to transactions. The night of June 26 2015 has become a nightmare for the girl as that moment marks the day of her official arrest at Sawangan, Depok.

The Head of Public Relations from BNN, Officer Slamet Pribadi said that the girl has voluntarily placed those crystal meth inside female purses.

"We are now securing evidence of 3.980 grams crystal meth," Officer Slamet uttered on a press conference held this morning, Friday (7/8/2015).

According to the suspect's testimony, the man who hitherto operates the business is of Nigerian national and has been residing in the area of Depok. (Akp/Rie)

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