
Troubled DVI Team Collecting AirAsia QZ8501 DNA

The victims identification process has been greatly halted as not all families have given it to the DVI team., Pangkalan Bun - The East Java DVI team has confirmed the successful collection of ante mortem data of victims’ of AirAsia QZ8501 families. The ante mortem data of Co-pilot Remi Emanuel Plesel from France has been collected on Sunday evening. The data was sent by Interpol.

The DVI team initially found it difficult to obtain Remi’s ante mortem data, as his families wee at the Caribbean. To hasten the identification procedure, the Interpol also sends Remi’s families DNA.

"Alhamdulillah, the ante mortem data has been given. As we have previously said, we have received help from Interpol. We also received the DNA needed," said the public relations of East Java Police Awi Setyono at the East Java Police Headquarter, Sunday Evening (4/1/2015).

Awi further explains how up until now, there has already been 34 deceased victims given to the Bhayangkara hospital to be identified. Out of 34 bodies, 4 has just freshly arrived at the hospital at 09.00 pm local time from Pangkalan Bun.

9 of them have been given to AirAsia to be returned back to their families.

5 of them reported to have been female, while the other 4 were male. The rest are still kept at Bhayangkara hospital, waiting for the result of reconciliation meeting.

"12 Bodies have been tested for ante mortem data at 06.00 pm local time. 4 have been sent from Pangkalan Bun," Awi shared.

Difficulty in Collecting DNA

In the mean time, DVI team has only 146 DNA out of the total of 162 needed. The 146 DNA data includes the one belonging to the co-pilot originated from France Remi. This means, only 16 DNA left needed for the identification to go as effectively as possible.

DVI team admits the difficulty encountered in collecting the DNA data, due to the equally difficult communication activity established with the victims families.

DVI team accompanied by other nations are giving their best, to identify the victims and try to make sure the DNA given is identical to the victims. This is done by collecting more of secondary data as to further assure the victims identity.

"We will be collecting more secondary data so that we can provide further assurance," Awi added.

The collection of secondary data is of paramount importance as it could help hasten the victims identification process. Not to mention, some of the fingerprints cannot be recognized, causing DVI team to resort to secondary data.

Due to this need, Police DVI team is trying to again communicate with the families of the victims and request for secondary ante mortem data.

"We will not be tired of continually requesting the families of the victims to again give us secondary ante mortem data, this could be in a form of belonging, something that they use or wear," Awi further explained.  

There are 9 victims of AirAsia QZ8501 who have successfully been identified by DVI team and have been returned to their families. Those 9 identified victims came from the 30 bodies initially discovered and put at Pangkalan Bun and then being sent to the DVI post in Surabaya.

Here are the names of victims that have been identified by DVI team:

1. Hayati Lutfiah Hamid (29), from Sedati Sidoarjo.
2. Grayson Herbert Linaksita (11), from Lebak Indah Mas.
3. Khairunisa Haidar Fauzi (22), from Palembang.
4. Kevin Alexander Soecipto (21) from Malang.
5. Hendra Gunawan Syawal (23), from Gundi.
6. Tie Meiji Thejakusuma (44), from Kupang Indah.
7. Wismoyo Ari Prambudi (24) from Klaten, Jawa Tengah.
8. Jie Stevie Gunawan (10) from Surabaya, Jawa Timur.
9. Juanita Limantara (30) from Surabaya, Jawa Timur.


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