Cek Fakta: Hoaks Babi Bayi Mirip Manusia di Sungai Tapung

Viral kabar tentang penemuan bayi babi mirip manusia di Sungai Tapung. Benarkah?

oleh Hanz Jimenez Salim diperbarui 17 Jan 2020, 14:01 WIB
[Cek Fakta] Gambar Tangkapan Layar Foto Bayi Babi Mirip Manusia

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Kabar tentang bayi babi menyerupai manusia beredar di media sosial. Kabar ini beredar lewat sebuah gambar yang diunggah akun facebook Hendri Gunawan pada 16 Januari 2020.

Dalam gambar tersebut, terlihat sosok bayi manusia. Namun, bentuk hidungnya menyerupai babi. Telapak tangan dan kakinya juga berbeda dari bayi pada umumnya.

Akun facebook Hendri Gunawan kemudian menuliskan sebuah narasi dalam konten yang diunggahnya.

"Kejadian barusan ditemukan diarea ilir sungai tapung jam 4 sore tadi?," tulis akun facebook Hendri Gunawan.

Konten yang diunggah akun facebook Hendri Gunawan telah 73 kali dibagikan dan mendapat 18 komentar warganet.


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Penelusuran Fakta

Setelah ditelusuri kabar tentang penemuan bayi babi menyerupai manusia ternyata tidak benar. Gambar bayi babi mirip manusia ternyata merupakan hasil karya seni dari seniman asal Italia, Laira Maganuco.

Informasi ini dikutip dari situs teyit.org dengan judul "The claim that the photo shows a human-like baby born from a pig".

The claim that the photo shows a human-like baby born from a pig

It was claimed that the pig on a picture, that was shared on social media and reported to teyit.org, had given birth to a human-like baby.

The picture shared by a user saying “I’m shaking” on July 27, 2018, was retweeted 130 times and liked 438 times. It was circulated on Facebook as well and has been shared 41 thousand times until now. It was also shared on Storia.me and Son Dakika Türk news channel with the claims that a pig has given birth to a human-like baby.

The claim that the photo shows a pig that has given birth to a human-like baby is not correct. Photo belongs to one of the acetic silicon sculptures of Italian artist Laira Maganuco which is sold online.

The mentioned photo belongs to the sculpture “Hybrid pig baby”, which Laira Maganuco has made from acetic silicon which is easily shaped, in order to destruct the ordinary conception of aesthetics.

There are other works of art Maganuco has made with the same concept. Italian artist sells these products online.

In the mentioned photo there is a baby in an extraordinary form, laying down eyes shut down. The reason sculpture lays next to a real pig is to prove how realistic the sculptures are. It is possible to reach other photos of the sculptures from Maganuco’s Facebook and Instagram pages.

Another sculpture of the artist has been shared earlier in Turkey with the claim “human-head cat-body creature”.

On the Premionocivelli website where modern Italian artists are introduced, we can see artist’s own words in their biography that Maganuco has a different understanding of art. They explain in the interview they have given to Words Social Form and in their own website that they make this kind of art to destruct people’s settled understanding of aesthetics and to express themselves.

Italian artist sells their products on Etsy.com and their own website.

They disclose the materials used for making the sculpture on Etsy.com:

Before the post was shared in Turkey, the picture was shared in Malaysia and Vietnam. Picture shared by a Malaysian user on July 26 2018 has been retweeted 17 thousand times and liked 15 thousand times. On a Kenyan news website, the picture on Venasnews was shared with the claim that a pig was found in Muranga having given birth to a human-like living.

It is possible to access the analyses Malaysian and Australian verification websites have made after these pictures were widely shared on social media.

In a similar claim shared as “the girl who tore apart the Quran” which became an urban myth, there was the alleged picture of a girl who tore apart the Quran. The picture stuck in hundreds of people’s minds through e-mail chains with this claim in the 2000s.

However, the mentioned picture belonged to a sculpture from an installation called “The Leather Landscapes” exhibited at Venice Biennale in 2003, made by Australian artist Patricia Piccinini who produces similar works of art to Maganuco’s.


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Penemuan bayi babi mirip manusia ternyata tidak pernah ada. Gambar yang diunggah oleh akun facebook Hendri Gunawan hanya sebuah karya seni dari seniman Italia, Laira Maganuco. Bahkan, karya seni itu dijual secara online.

Narasi yang disebarkan oleh akun facebook Hendri Gunawan tidak sesuai dengan fakta sebenarnya.


Reporter: Eka M

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