Indonesia to Build Hybrid Power Plant Across the Nation

This endeavour will be an enhancement of previous successful power plants developments.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 11 Mar 2015, 17:22 WIB
Pertambahan kebutuhan listrik di pulau Jawa yang cukup pesat, tidak dapat diimbangi pembangunan infrastruktur pembangkit oleh PLN. ( Fanani), Jakarta The Indonesian government is going to construct hybrid power plant that will be placed within 50 locations with the capacity of 7.025 kilowatt peak (kWp). It will be scattered around Sumatera island, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua in 2015.

As quoted from the official website of General Directorate of New Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) from the Ministry of Energy sources and Minerals (ESDM) on Wednesday (11/03/2015), the development of the power plant at Sumatera island, including Aceh will be as many as 3 units with the capacity of 775 kW, for North Sumatera will be yielded 4 units with the capacity of 300 kW, Riau 2 units with the capacity of 300 kW, West Sumatera 1 unit with the capacity of 200 kW and Riau island with the capacity of 1050 kW.

As for Kalimantan island, West Kalimantan will be given as many as 6 units with the capacity of 450 kW, North Kalimantan similarly will get as many as 6 units with the capacity of 750 kW and East Kalimantan as many as 2 units with the capacity of 150 kW.

Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) will have 6 units with the capacity of 850 kW, whereas North Sulawesi will receive as many as 2 units with the capacity of 200 kW. North Maluku and Maluku will each build 9 units with the capacity of 1.050 kW and 1 unit with the capacity of 350 kW.

Lastly, for Papua, it will develop as many as 6 units with the capacity of 600 kW. In 2014, the government has successfully constructed 37 units of power plants (PLTS) with the capacity of 1470 kW to facilitate the electricity needs of 6116 families throughout the year of 2014 for Indonesian islands and limited areas across Indonesia.

Apart from successfully developing the power plants for the areas and island that are not part of the developing cities, in the same year the government has succeeded in constructing power plant with the capacity of 3341 kW which comes from the new energy source including PLTS, PLTMH, PLT Hybrid to accommodate the electricity of 15.086 families. (Akp/Riz)


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