Bali Nine Inmates Transferred to Nusakambangan Prior to Execution

RI Attorney General wants all the death row inmates to be moved to Nusakambangan first before they set the deadline for the execution.

oleh Hanz Jimenez SalimDewi DiviantaAdanti Pradita diperbarui 03 Mar 2015, 17:07 WIB
Ryan Sukumaran dan Andrew Chan (Dailymail), Jakarta The Indonesian Attorney General, HM Prasetyo reveals how Indonesia is 95% ready for the execution of the death row inmates second batch. The involving parties have prepared and evaluated all the necessary moves that will be taken throughout the process. The preparation for the execution has to be a thorough one since it has captured worldwide attention with many of the death row inmates coming from various nations.

Prasetyo hopes that all the death row inmates for the second batch will be transferred soon from the correctional institutions they currently in now to the execution location at Nusakambangan, Cilacap, Central Java this weekend.

"Hopefully, all of the individuals that will be executed are evacuated by this weekend. Because some of them are detained in Kerobokan, Bali, some in Madiun and there is also one in Jogja. We will have them gathered at Nusakambangan so that the process can continue to progress," Prasetyo said at the Attorney General’s office, Jakarta, Tuesday (03/03/2015). 

He also explains how he does not want to quickly set the date for the second batch execution as the preparation has to be 100% done. There are many aspects that need to be considered prior to the execution of these individuals. This is primarily because, the decision to execute them has invited worldwide criticism so it opens up opportunities for those who disapprove this decision to do unwanted actions that may endanger or harm the Indonesian citizens elsewhere in the world as a sign of rejection.

"We will have them moved to Nusakambangan first. After that, we will set a specific date for the execution. We have to be very careful, we cant just quickly decide, there are just too many fatal consequences that need to be examined," he further explained. 

Two death row inmates from Australia, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are ready to be transferred to Nusakambangan. It remains unclear whether they are being moved today or tomorrow. Bali Attorney General Momock Bambang Sumiarso confirmed their readiness but still unsure whether the transfer is today or tomorrow.

"Perhaps today or tomorrow we are still unsure. But we are hoping that we can finally decide soon", Momock said, Denpasar, Bali, Tuesday (03/03/2015).

Both Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be transferred to Nusakambangan using an aircraft belonging to the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and will be guarded by 10 military personnel. (Akp/Riz)


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