
Ahok Views DPRD DKI as Intervention to Jakarta Development

Avoiding conflict with DPRD DKI, Governor Ahok prefers communicating directly with the Ministry of Internal Affairs for budgeting purposes., Jakarta Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama claimed he will no longer be bothered  by the tumult he previously has to go through with DKI Jakarta House of Representative (DPRD) as he has already prepared Governor Regulations on 2014 budget.

“I no longer have anything to do with the DPRD. I would go directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs when it comes to budgeting. I think if DPRD continues to be the one making the decision then Jakarta would not develop,” Ahok said at the City Hall, Jakarta, Tuesday (24/03/2015).

Governor Basuki or Ahok views it as more convenient for him to coordinate directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding the Governor Regulations as to develop the city.

Apart from that, the local government is also responsible to report any kind of purchase and service in 2015 to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Now, I think it is better off for me to report it directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. People will see. It is easier this way, all involving parties will then know how I tried to apply transparency when it comes to budgeting so no one would feel cheated," he added. 

All of the DPRD DKI fraction have agreed to yield APBD DKI (regional budget) 2015 to Ahok, excluding National Democratic Party. 

Governor Ahok is requested to give a full and coherent report of the 2014 Governor Regulations so that it could be established as the platform for the 2015 one.

The agreement was made during Banggar meeting which specifically discussed the finalization of Ministry of Internal Affairs' evaluation for the APBD DKI 2015 planning on Friday 20 March 2015.

"Our final verdict from the meeting is basically the aspirations of all fractions. Those aspirations will given to the governors to follow. So it will be managed and carried out by the governor," The Chairman of DPRD DKI, M Taufik said at the DPRD DKI building. (Akp/Ein)


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