
RI Detonated Malaysian Vessels Caught Performing Illegal Fishing

The Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs, Susi Pudjiastuti's ambition to to combat illegal fishing is being challenged., Jakarta The Indonesian Polair from East Kalimantan Police Department has detonated 2 Malaysian vessels caught performing illegal fishing in the Tarakan area, East Kalimantan on Thursday 19 March 2015. 

As shown on Liputan 6 Malam SCTV, on Thursday 19 March 2015, the Malaysian vessels were detonated and smokes and fire covered most of the areas. It has attracted the locals’ attention as they gathered on the shore trying to witness the detonation process. The vessels drowned by itself due to the explosion.

It has been learned that the East Kalimantan Water Police has previously captured two foreign vessels with the name KM Rizki and KM Satria as they were also captured performing illegal fishing using trawl around the area of Karang Unarang, Kabupaten Nunukan just two weeks ago. 

The Minister of Maritime and Fisheries affairs Susi Pudjiastuti has earned a celebrity- like status shortly after her unwavering decision to drown dozens of foreign vessels caught performing illegal fishing within the Indonesian ocean area. Her determination to do so is evidently praised by President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo.

Jokowi said her firm move against foreign vessels performing illegal fishing is worth crediting for as it has helped strengthen Indonesia’s stance in combating any illegal activity in the Indonesian sea. This can also be considered as a statement from Indonesia that it is not afraid to resort to violence when it comes to assuring its sovereignty.

"With the drowning of foreign vessels performing illegal fishing, the national production of fish quadrupled. Our fishermen no longer have competitors, nobody dares to do illegal fishing anymore because our Minister is evidently 'sadistic'," Jokowi shared, Jakarta, Thursday 15 January 2015.

Jokowi said to have been preparing programs to sustain the fisheries industry. He says he will allocate some of the national budget in this sector to develop.

"The national budget coming from the subsidy will be used to sustain the lives of the fishermen, give them boats, machines, cooler, anything that could help the development of fisheries industry. Fishery is good investment," he concluded. (Akp/Ein)


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