Australia Presents Local Designers in 2016 Jakarta Fashion Week

Australian local designers showcase in JFW 2016 shows that it strongly supports Indonesia's creative industry particularly in fashion.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 26 Okt 2015, 10:00 WIB
Gubernur DKI Basuki Tjahaja Purnama dan istri, veronica Tan pada pembukaan Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2016 di Senayan City, Jakarta, Sabtu (24/10). Pekan mode terbesar di Asia Tenggara ini berlangsung selama 24-30 Oktober . ( Antonius), Jakarta - Senayan area in the capital city of Jakarta is now packed with fashionably passionate crowds as the 2016 Jakarta Fashion Week has finally come up with its third upshot with its official commencement began in the afternoon of October 24 2015. The event takes place in the lot of Senayan City mall outdoor area where gigantic cubicle-formed tents constructed to facilitate the undertakings throughout the one-week period long event.

Not just local brands, a number of international brands from various countries have also and will continue to be showcased throughout the event.

Australia is one of the countries reportedly participating in such annually held event with a number of its local designers yielded the opportunity of promoting their famous collections on stage.

The Australian embassy in Jakarta shows strong commitment to such event, following its local designer’s successful showcase in the past in Indonesia such as the one staged for the recent Islamic Fashion Week.

The embassy also intends to introduce Indonesian designer based in Melbourne, Haryono Setiadi with his clothing line ‘Pageant’ and Rahul Mishra who earned International Woolmark award back in 2014.

Australian Ambassador to Indonesia, Paul Grigson realized that Indonesia’s creative industry currently grows at significant pace with a similar growth trend evident in the interest of Indonesian society towards high-class fashion style.

He believes that such continually growing interest will ultimately help the designers of the subsequent generation to fulfill the currently trending demands of fashionable society as well as to the retailing industry.

Australia's involvement in Indonesia's creative industry through its local designers endeavor in promoting their collections during 2016 Jakarta Fashion Week suggests the fact that the tie between the two countries is not only established in the political and economic sectors but also in other crucial yet often overlooked areas. (Akp/Tnt)

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