2015 Mina Stampede Victims Outnumber One in 1990 by Hundreds

The Saudi Arabian authority has rreportedly identified 2,000 bodies of those who were killed during deadly stampede occurring last Thursday.

oleh Wawan Isab RubiyantoAdanti Pradita diperbarui 03 Okt 2015, 18:14 WIB
Petugas mengevakuasi jenazah korban yang terinjak di Mina, di Mekkah (REUTERS / Stringer)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta The 24th of September is a tragic date that will act as a constant reminder of the deadly stampede occurring in Mina during Hajj pilgrimage that is normally held on annual basis.

Thousands had to lose lives as they walked towards the ritual stoning area necessitated for the spiritual legitimation of their pilgrimage.

The Saudi Arabian authority has successfully identified photos of approximately 2,000 photos depicting the deceased from last Thursday’s stampede. The photos collected then suggest the hitherto accumulated death toll by that exact amount.

It also means that the death toll outnumbers the one resulting from the stampede occurring in July 2 1990. The previous tragedy is said to have led to the lost of 1,426 pilgrims whereas the recent one escalated by hundreds more.

Indonesian Consulate General in Jeddah Dharmakirty Syailendra Putra specifically points out the tragic escalation of the deceased in Mina by 204 people when the previous and recent one is being compared.

“With information claiming death tolls as of today reaching 204 more than previous one in 1990, then we can safely assume that the estimation justifies such death toll deterioration,” Dharmakirty told Liputan6.com on October 1st 2015.

Dharmakirty further explains that there are photos released by the Saudi Arabian authority showing unopened containers queuing to be identified.

This also comes as an unfortunate fact suggesting the likeliness of the number of the deceased to rise again.(Akp/Ein)

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