RI Anti-Terror Agency Boosts Nationwide Spirit to Fight Terrorism

RI Anti-Terror Agency encourages Indonesians to pay no mind to the persuasion of ISIS and cooperate with the government to combat them.

oleh Oscar FerriAdanti Pradita diperbarui 19 Mar 2015, 18:00 WIB
BNPT. (Wikipedia)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Threats coming from the radical extremist group ISIS have frightened the worldwide audience. They have been successful in persuading many people from countries across the globe to join their contingent and fight in the name of the notoriously known group. 

In Indonesia, tears have been shed by many parents who found out that their children are on their way to Syria or have become members of ISIS. With the radical group gaining more prominence each day, it is imperative for the government to stand by on its principality to remain strong despite the swift current coming from the threats of terrorism, most especially for ISIS.

"A country should not be defeated by the concept of terrorism. It is meant to terrorize and it is a small scale action that a country should be able to handle," The Indonesian Anti-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Spokesperson, Irfan Idris said during BNPT discussion ‘Bincang Damai’ at Cikini, Central Jakarta, Thursday (19/3/2015). 

Irfan reveals how ISIS recruits individuals through its links from acquaintances, family members, friends and from its members who have joined the group earlier. Thus the group grows bigger with more people are being invited to join and with the method of friendly persuasion. This is evident in the case of 16 missing Indonesians of two differing groups who apparently have familial connections with the ISIS members.

"Their primary strategy is to recruit those who are correlated to them, be it through families, friends, colleagues or acquaintances," Irfan explained. 

Irfan continued as he explains the background of the group as one that emerged from a currently conflicted country. This is what happened in Syria and Iraq. They had a clandestine mission to form a group when the country was in chaos so it helps them gain more power. 

It is important for Indonesia to avoid any kind of political or any other form of issue that may give birth to the radical group which can take over the country during that period of critical time. (Akp/Tnt)

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