
Jokowi Chose Luhut over Moeldoko for Political Minister Position

President Jokowi has reshuffled a number of Ministers in the working cabinet due to their incapability in performing their duty., Jakarta President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has performed reshuffling on a number of his Ministers due to reports of their incompetence. Ministers that have to experience the unwanted reshuffling phenomena include Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Sofyan Djalil, Political, Legal and Security Ministers, Tedjo Edhy Purdjiatno, Maritime Minister, Indroyono Soesilo, National Development Minister, Andrinof Chaniago, Trade Minister, Rahmat Gobel and Cabinet Secretary, Andi Widjojanto.

Reshuffled Political, Legal and Security Minister, Tedjo Edhy Purnomo is reported to have been yielding a press release which stated his farewell following decision to take him down from his post.

He also shares his apology for all the mistakes he has made in the past and for his incapability in performing his duty as a Minister. It has also been reported that former Head of Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI), Moeldoko likely to replace Tedjo and fill his Minister of Political, Legal and Security Affairs position.

Moeldoko however, says that he is unaware of such possibility. He says he does not want put so much hope on such speculation and instead for the best results out of the reshuffling agenda.

“I personally don’t know nor understand the speculation claiming my status as a replacement of Tedjo. I wont dwell on such notion just hope for the best outcome,” Moeldoko told through short phonecall, Jakarta, Wednesday (12/8/2015).

He previously claimed that he envisions a position as a senior lecturer for political subject at Padjajaran University, West Java. So, he has been dreaming the position of becoming a lecturer or a teacher and this would deny any relevance to his appointment as a replacement for reshuffled Minister.

It has also been confirmed that former Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore who also spent life time in the military and political realm, Luhut Pandjaitan, was the one chosen to become the subject for such replacement. He is viewed to be the most suitable figure to carry out the task surrounding political, legal and security aspects as his career highlights evidently show his capability and insurmountable experiences in those particular aspects. (Akp/Rie)

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