
3 Elicit Drugs-Couriers Possibly Face Death Penalty

3 men originating from Medan likely to face death penalty following their arrest in 2014 for professing as elicit drugs couriers., Jakarta Three men originating from Medan, Hamri Prayoga, Ramlan Siregar and Rahmat Suwito have been sentenced to death following evidence of their profession as drugs couriers. 

They were captured with 25 kilograms of crystal meth and 30 thousand ecstasy pills in their possessions.

The court views the three men as profoundly guilty as they violated the law article 114 number 2 year of 2009 about elicit drugs.

"The defendants are proven guilty and we advise for the judge to yield death sentence," local public prosecutor (JPU), Yunitri Sagala stated at the court in Medan on Wednesday 27 May 2015.

The three men were captured at Jalan Tritura, Medan Amplas on 11 September 2014.

The Indonesian government under President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla has decided to intensify its capital punishment on those who are arrested with drugs charges.

Such policy is made following reports of escalating number of drugs distributors and users in Indonesia. 

President Jokowi aims to set death penalty as a an example to all of drugs distributors, couriers and users across the country so that they would reconsider their action.

The Indonesian government will continue its search of those behind the distribution of elicit drugs and determined to rehabilitate those who are willing to change their path of life from using drugs to completely clean.  (Akp/Ein)


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