
Surabaya Mayor Assures City's Safety As US' Embassy Warning

Fear or terrorism-related activity, US Embassy is reported to have issued a safety warning to its citizens., Surabaya - The American Embassy in Jakarta, Indonessia has issued a safety warning to its citizens who live or are currently travelling to Surabaya, East Java. The American ambassador to Indonesia believes there is a potentiality of threats placed upon hotels and banks in Surabaya that are affiliated with the United States.

Responding to the speculation, Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharani immediately assures that the city is by far still safe and under control. She also confirms the fact that the authority has coordinated with local police in assuring the city’s safety.

"Insya Allah the city is safe. I am sure nothing will happen. Insya Allah, everything will be okay. The head of Police Setija Juniata asked the embassy and so far everything is alright," Risma said at the East Java Police Headquarter, Sunday (4/1/2015).

Meanwhile, in the same location, East Java Police Irjen Anas Yusuf admits that the has not yet received an official letter confirming the State’s embassy’s request for its citizens in regards to security warning. He even shares how he receives the information through online media.

"I have not yet received an official letter confirming this. However, I have read through social media and other online media, of course I need to anticipate for the worst by deploying personnel to several locations and perform early detection for possible travel warning," Anas explained.

Anas stresses that there is no linkage between the statement of US Embassy about safety warning and the missing of AirAsia QZ8501. But, Anas admits he is still unsure of the underlying reason as to the statement being given. He even says that there is no particular policy requesting for the city to remain on high alert.

"I don’t really know the reason behind this statement, but what is obvious is that it has nothing to do with AirAsia QZ8501," he confirmed.

The United States government has previously considered Indonesia’s success in eliminating a local militant group shortly after the attacks during the year of 2000s on several places that were targeted on foreigners and facilities owned by them. This act was consoling, especially knowing that the Indonesian authority has successfully captured a number of the militant group leaders.

However, with some Indonesian reported to have joined the ISIS group, the emerging state of insecurity is hardly evitable. The police even confirm 110 Indonesian who flew to the Middle East to become full participants of the group. It is then no wonder that such fear arises. (Akp/Tnt)

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