RI Vice President Praises Japan on Emperor Akihito Birthday

Japanese Emperor Akihito celebrated his 82th birthday in Jakarta.

oleh Silvanus AlvinAdanti Pradita diperbarui 15 Des 2015, 19:04 WIB
Wapres Jusuf Kalla menghadiri perayaan HUT Kaisar Akihito yang digelar oleh Kedubes Jepang di kawasan Jakarta Selatan, Senin (14/12/2015). Rakyat dan pemerintah Indonesia mendoakan kesehatan bagi Kaisar Akihito. (Liputan6.com/Immanuel Antonius)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla attended Japanese Emperor Akihito 82nd birthday in Jakarta on Monday 14 December 2015.

“Allow me to congratulate Emperor Akihito for today is his birthday. He is the symbol of unity for the Japanese people. So, the Indonesian government and people hope for him to have a long healthy and prosperous life,” Vice President Jusuf Kalla said on Monday.

Apart from congratulating the Emperor, Vice President Jusuf Kalla also took the time to describe the strategic partnership which laid the very foundation of a desirable relationship hitherto maintained between Indonesia and Japan. Such bilateral tie improves as year progresses.

He also went to speak about the progress of Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit (MRT).

“I want to appreciate further the relationship that we have built thus far. With that being said, I would like to exclusively express my deepest hope for the construction of MRT in Jakarta to be done smoothly so that problems surrounding transportation sector can be greatly reduced,” he added.

Another remark he made during such festive event was about the impending Japan-Indonesia ministerial-level forum in the sector of defense. This forum serves as a platform symbolizing strengthened tie between the two in the strategic security aspect.

“We, Indonesia, want to thank Japanese investors for putting so much trust, faith and attention to us. This is reflected through Head of Japanese Parliament recent visitation along with thousands of businessmen to Indonesia last November,” he concluded.

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