President Jokowi Departs for U.S Despite Recent Familial Loss

President Jokowi's grandmother passed away at the age of 100. He is currently in Solo and will soon head for America.

oleh Fajar AbroriAdanti Pradita diperbarui 24 Okt 2015, 17:29 WIB
Tak cuma memberi kenangan masa kecil. Sang nenek juga tak henti menasihati Jokowi tentang kehidupan. (Reza Kuncoro/, Jakarta - Indonesian President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo’s grandmother, Sani Wirorejo reportedly passed away on the evening of Friday 23 October 2015. His grandparent finally bit the dust at 10.40 pm after successfully reaching the age of 100.

Her son, Jokowi made an immediate schedule to depart to Solo, East Java earlier this morning and said to have been landing at approximately 07.00 am.

“Mr. President will be arriving here tomorrow morning at 07.00 am,” Head of Manahan Neighborhood Association in Solo, Herman informed on Friday 23 October 2015.

According to the information collected, the body the recently passed away grandmother of President Jokowi was casketed inside the home of President Jokowi’s uncle in Solo, Miyono Suryo Sarjono and taken to the cemetery of Mundu village at 01.00 pm for her to be laid to rest in peace.

As observed by correspondent at the site, scores of military and police personnel have been stationed around the perimeter of Jokowi’s uncle home where the body the recently passed away grandmother of President Jokowi was casketed and the cemetery where the funeral was conducted to assure security during such grief-stricken occasion.

It has been reported that despite President Jokowi’s recent familial loss, he will not make any cancellation for his trip to the United States as preparations have been made months prior to his state visit agenda and therefore he refused to postpone it and decided to remain professional.

“President Jokowi took an early flight to Solo this morning and he will depart to U.S later in the evening,” Indonesian Secretary of State, Pratikno stated, Saturday (24/10/2015).


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