Imprisoned Teenagers Participation in National Test Deemed Vital

Those in juvenile prisons are given the rights to perform the 2015 National Test and yielded the relevant materials prior to the exam.

oleh Adanti PraditaEka Hakim diperbarui 13 Apr 2015, 16:31 WIB
Pelajar-pelajar Indonesia saat ini sedang was-was karena menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN)., Jakarta The 2015 Indonesian National Test (UN) for high school and other equivalently vocational schools start today, Monday (13/4/2015). 

Not only those who are enrolled in legitimate academic institutions, students or individuals who are currently locked up in the juvenile prison also participated in the nationwide- held test. 

These young – adults were directed to the correctional institution due to their criminal actions and involvement.

At Cibinong correctional institution, Bogor, West Java, 2 previously- enrolled high school students had to refrain from school as they were detained for specific charges. 

However, it does not stop being from being the participants of the National Test.

They both undergone Bahasa Indonesia test this morning under the supervision and strict monitoring of 3 invigilators assigned by Depok Education Agency/ Department.

They were placed in a special room where the tables of the two individuals was arranged to be 1 meter away in proximity from each other. 

They were clothed in clean and tidy white shirt.

The National Exam commenced at approximately 07.30 am, The two individuals reported to have been showing their utmost seriousness as they were faced with exams questions.

The Head of Education section at Cibinong Correctional Institution, Maulana shares how the procurement of 2015 National Test at the commonly negatively- viewed location is the institution's way of expressing indifference towards its inmates. 

It is also a genuine sign of nurturing efforts for the individuals under the custody of the Correctional Institution to enhance their ability to catch up with other students who are in proper schools. 

Moreover, this effort is designed to inform the larger audience how these young adults still have the rights to perform the National Test and their capability is as much as those who accepted proper schooling and detailed preparation materials.

These two young adults have been given the time to study prior to the National Test day. 

Days leading up to the exam, they both were given the privilege to study in a special detention room so that they can concentrate and master the materials provided.

"They are still accommodated with relevant materials and books from the school the attended before so that they remain updated with the up- to- date subjects," Maulana informed.

Maulana further informed how the two have been detained for a month in the Correctional Institution. 

He however, refused to provide further information regarding the charges placed on these young adults due to lawful consideration on confidentiality. 

"There are a total of 28 kids or young adults currently detained in here. Apart from the two I mentioned, there are 13 others who are scheduled to perform National Test this late afternoon with the goal of attaining a ‘package C’," he further informed.

"The test will be done for 4 days straight in accordance to the Government's already- established schedule," he added.

He is wishing for the inmates enduring optimism and eagerness throughout the National Test days despite their status and current location.

"I am sure with a lot of hard work for the test and apparent demonstration of good behaviour, these kids will come out as outstanding and successful as those who receive proper education," he concluded. (Akp/Ein)


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