RI to Build More Vocational School to Reduce Unemployment Rate

With more individuals receiving education, they will be more competent and put into consideration in any job field.

oleh Silvanus AlvinAdanti Pradita diperbarui 30 Mar 2015, 17:00 WIB
Ilustrasi Pengangguran (Liputan6.com/Andri Wiranuari)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Unemployment is not an uncommon issue faced by Indonesia. In order to prevent the increase number of employment in Indonesia, Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK)  wants to establish more vocational school (SMK).

This is because he believes that with more vocational school, unemployment rate will be drastically decreased as individuals who are previously work- less become preoccupied with pursuing education and thus they will be able to get a job later on with their degree.

"I am not saying that everyone has to attain university degree. But education is important, and to get a job they need to have educational background," Vice President Jusuf Kalla said during the 2015 National Education and Culture meeting at Depok, West java, Monday (30/3/2015).

Vice President Jusuf Kalla thinks that vocational school is no less important and qualified than usual high school. 

With them being in vocational school, they will be able to get a job later on.

Jusuf Kalla views Indonesia as a country with rich natural resources but ironically,the country still relies heavily on imported goods. 

This is also because Indonesia is still ineffective in its production sector. Innefective production sector is caused by shortage of competent workers. 

Vocational school will give birth to competent workers so that they will be valuable subsequent generations.

"That is why this country still relies on imported rice, sugar and corn. Why? It is not because the shortage of farmers, but it is the shortage of competent farmers or individuals in the production sector. That is why there is a need to increase vocational school students in the field of agriculture," Jusuf Kalla continued. (Akp/Tnt)

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