Indonesian Authorities Spotted Foreign Infiltrators in Poso

These foreigners are suspected to have been persuading locals to perform jihad in Syria.

oleh Moch Harun SyahAdanti Pradita diperbarui 26 Mar 2015, 18:01 WIB
Ilustrasi ISIS, Jakarta The Indonesian Minister of Internal Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo admitted that he has acknowledged the whereabouts of foreigners in Poso, Central Sulawesi.

These foreigners have previously been suspected as the brainwashers, who attempted to persuade local people into joining the radical group ISIS by performing jihad in Syria. 

However, Minister Tjahjo rejected the initial speculation regarding the possibility of those foreigners training local people to become terrorist.

"No, they did not train the local people. There was just an information regarding the an infiltration of a number of foreigners in Poso," Tjahjo said at the Attorney General’s office, Jakarta, Thursday (26/3/2015). 

Tjahjo assured, the foreigners are now under the monitor of his team and he has also coordinated with the involving authority to continually investigate the situation.

"As we checked, I found something odd. How did they come in here? What is going on? We have intelligence agency, police forces, customs, Indonesian Armed Forces, but seriously none of them detect their presence here? All of the involving authorities ought to cooperate in his particular circumstance in monitoring the progress of this situation. They have to be more careful next time in preventing an outsider, especially the ones without permits and coming here illegally from coming here," he continued. 

Up until now, there are more 100 foreigners who tried to persuade Indonesians in Poso to perform jihad.

"There are more than 100 foreigners giving absurd doctrines. It is not just persuading Indonesians to do jihad in Syria, they do jihad in Poso. Right now they are being monitored," Tjahjo concluded. (Akp/Tnt)


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