Indonesia to Work with 42 Countries in the Field of Engineering

Indonesia has for so long envisioned a growing cooperation with other friendly nations in the field of engineering as to improve welfare

oleh Andreas Gerry TuwoAdanti Pradita diperbarui 17 Mar 2015, 16:45 WIB
Bendera Merah Putih Raksasa berkibar di Monas. (Antara Foto), Jakarta Indonesia has gained prominence in the worldwide stage. This has been confirmed with many countries showing their utmost interest to cooperate with Indonesian government in many aspects.

Within the last 10 years, the number of countries who want to cooperate with Indonesia in the field of engineering has multiplied.

"Within the last decade, we have seen an increased number of cooperation requests in the aspect of engineering from many countries. They have specifically requested to work together in developing capacity specifically in the field of engineering,” Indonesian Minister of Foreign Relations, Retno Marsudi said in her opening speech for Indonesia's South- South Cooperation Forum at the Ministry of Foreign Relations Office, Tuesday (17/03/2015).

"Currently, there are already 303 requests from 42 countries," she continued.

From the 42 countries, most of them are from South East Asia and other developing nations. Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, Palestine are among many of the countries who have asked Indonesia to cooperate.

They want to cooperate with Indonesia specifically in the field of engineering. This can help small businesses such as agriculture, health, forestry, disaster- relief management, energy sector and training for authorities. The cooperation is meant to enhance the improvement of peoples’ welfare.

Retno thinks it is imperative for Indonesia to cooperate with other nations specifically in this field as it is compatible with the 1945 constitution of Indonesia regarding the cooperation and mutual development with other nations.

"We have to better enhance our solidarity with other nations by accommodating their interest for cooperation in engineering with other developed nations," Retno further explained. (Akp/Ein)


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