
Government Flaunts Paper Company to Help Increase Export Value

RI Ministry of Industry has challenged PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper to boost fiscal incentive as well., Jakarta The Indonesian Ministry of Industry is determined to challenge PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper (RAPP) in generating mass amount of paper to be exported whilst boosting fiscal incentive. 

Such gesture is deemed necessary as to stimulate the nation’s economic activity and to stabilize the Indonesian trade market.

The Indonesian Industrial Minister, Saleh Husin has requested for paper company to help the government attain a desirable export value rate amounting to Rp 40 T. 

So far, RAPP could only reach as far as Rp 25 T and so such push is necessitated for it to attain a higher goal. 

"With such expansion which involves the development of 3 paper factories, it is expected that it could help boost our export valuing at Rp 30 to 35 T. Having so much faith on the company, I challenge them to generate higher profit amounting to Rp 40 T," Minister Saleh shared, Jakarta, Saturday (23/5/2015). 

The increased export value will ultimately help maintain the balance of the national trade market and help the creation of pool of employment.

From the data collected by the Ministry of Industry, the national paper company has the capacity of generating 10,4 tons of paper on a yearly basis. 

Such desirable capacity has made Indonesia the 6th biggest paper producer in the whole world. (Akp/Ein)


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