
Bali Nine Execution Postponed

Families of the alleged Bali Nine ringleaders hoped they could spend more time with their soon- to - be executed family members., Jakarta The Attorney general has confirmed the postponement of the death execution of the two alleged Bali Nine Ringleaders, Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. This is to appease and to take into account the request made by the Australian government. Initial decision to execute both individuals have caused worldwide discontentment with many people from all layers of society showing their dissapointment of President Jokowi’s inability to reconsider other methods of capital punishment.

"This is a positive response to the request for moratorium asked by the Australian government and the families of the inmates who requested for an extension of time so that they could spend more time with them," the head of Attorney General Information Centre, Tony Tribagus Spontana said, Jakarta, Tuesday (17/02/2015).

According to him, the plan to transfer the convicts from 5 differing places to the Nusakambangan prison, Cilacap, Central Java is cancelled. Initially, the five locations include, Kerobokan (Bali), Madiun (East Java), Yogyakarta, Tangerang (Banten) and Palembang.

"The executors said that they have inspected Nusakambangan and apparently there are technical difficulties encountered. The location that is initially planned to be used is not appropriate or not the right place to execute the 5 death row inmates," Tony said.

Due to that circumstance, the transferring of these inmates will be postponed until further notice and confirmation of the appropriate isolation room/location. That is why, he said that the execution will continue, it is just being postponed until the situation is clear.

"We are looking for a perfect timing for the execution. It will be done all at once," Tony asserted.

Last month, Indonesia executed six prisoners by firing squad for drug offences, including nationals of Brazil, Malawi, the Netherlands, Nigeria and Vietnam.

Presiden Joko Widodo reiterated his pledge to pursue Indonesia's hardline approach to drug traffickers. "I have already conveyed this and it is our ambassadors' job to explain why we have the death penalty," he told. (Akp/Riz)


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