Ambassador of Paraguay: Sky is the Limit for Indonesia

The Ambassador of Paraguay to Indonesia Cesar Esteban Grillon expresses fascination for Indonesian batik and kebaya.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 03 Des 2015, 12:01 WIB
The Ambassador of Paraguay to Indonesia Cesar Esteban Grillon expresses fascination for Indonesian batik and kebaya., Jakarta Assuming role as Paraguay Ambassador to Indonesia and married to an Indonesian woman, Cesar Esteban Grillon shares about his growing fascination towards Indonesian traditional batik attire and profound admiration for the many of the amazingly gifted Indonesians who excel in the field of arts.

“Indonesia is 12 hours different with Paraguay and I flew at great length feeling happy because I get to discover creative Indonesian painters,” he said on the sideline of ‘Arts in Harmony’ painting exhibition opening day at Tugu Kunstking Paleis situated at Jalan Teuku Umar in Menteng, Central Jakarta.

According to Ambassador Grillon, Indonesian ‘batik’ and the femininely traditional ‘kebaya’ should get extra acknowledgment in the larger market, that is in the European market and others beyond the archipelago state’s regional perimeter.

“The sky is the limit for Indonesia,” he added.

“Western society needs to know about your creation and creativity and the quality of your people. I think creative industries can contribute to the strengthening of relation between Indonesia and Paraguay,” he continued.

He then went on to share more about his fascination for batik and made comparison to the common suit and tie that the men in Paraguay always wear for occasions that require them to look more formal.

Ambassador Grillon told how he was frequently admired for and asked about the batik that he wore as he attended events back in his country. He never stopped complimenting about how beautiful batik is and said that everyone else in his country would say the same thing.

“Batik is not just a shirt it is an art. And I think all of these painting expressed how happy the Indonesian people are because I see happiness even when some of them looked like they have been working too hard and look tired.”

As for kebaya, Ambassador Grillon also made similar remarks complimenting its beauty and suggested that ‘any queen’ should wear such femininely body- shaped Indonesian traditional gown for women. He said that Indonesian women appear more appealing in her kebaya even when it covers the whole part of their bodies.

He then went on about how the kebaya he bought for his daughter in Miami beats the sophistication of a wedding gown.

“I have a daughter in Miami I bought her a kebaya and then she wore it in a wedding, you know somebody came to her and say u know sorry but you cannot wear the kebaya here because you attract more people than the bride,” he chuckled.

2 dari 2 halaman

“Paraguay, Paradise!”

The Ambassador of Paraguay to Indonesia Cesar Esteban Grillon expresses fascination for Indonesian batik and kebaya.

After a series of compliments for the Indonesian arts and culture, Ambassador grillon shared a little bit about his country which exposure is very minimal to the world. Housing around 7 million people, Paraguay for Ambassador Grillon is ‘a comfort zone’.

“People in my country refuse to go abroad because our country is blessed with plenty of food, we produce a lot food so we don’t need to import anything because we are self- sufficient,” said Ambassador Grillon.

Apart from abundant supply of natural resources, Paraguay is also a comfort zone due to its beautiful paradise-like nature.

“We always say that Paraguay is paradise. We may not have beaches but we have rivers, and we have two main ones,” he concluded.

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