Turkey Consult to NATO and UN over Downed Russian Jet

Russia jet reportedly shot down by Turkish F-16 fighter jet near Syrian border earlier today.

oleh Adanti Pradita diperbarui 24 Nov 2015, 18:30 WIB
Menurut cuplikan gambar dari TV swasta Haberturk, terlihat pesawat tempur itu terbang rendah dalam kondisi seperti bola api.

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Russia’s Defense Ministry confirms that Turkey has voluntarily shot down its SU-24 fighter jet near Syrian border. Citing from the Guardian, Turkey claims that its intention to shoot down the fighter jet was seen as acceptable as the jet allegedly violated the airspace rules.

Turkey military also informs in a statement that Russian jet has been warned 5 times before fire was aimed at it by Turkish F-16 fighter jets.

According to Russia Defense Ministry however, the jet had not violated Turkish airspace as it was cruising at an altitude of 6,000 meters, as cited in Syrian Arab News Agency.

The two pilots reportedly manage to rescue themselves by ejecting their way out of the shot aircraft but their fates remain unknown as they parachuted down to a region that is currently under conflict.

Russia Today explains that Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu went to meet with officials from Foreign Ministry to urge them into consulting with NATO and UN over latest development on the Syrian border as to prevent further escalation of the already existing conflict within the region.

This is also done to prevent a conflict with the Russian and deteriorate the conditions in the war zone. (Akp/Ein)

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