Fake University Diploma Earning Spotlight in Police Investigation

Indonesian Police is currently investigating the presence of 'fake diploma' across the country which allows students to pass effortlessly.

oleh Moch Harun SyahAdanti Pradita diperbarui 23 Mei 2015, 17:45 WIB
(Liputan 6 TV)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta - The recently elected Head of Indonesian Police, Badrodin Haiti said to have coordinated with the Minister of Research and Technology, Mohammad Nasir in trying to address the rampant distribution of fake academic diploma issue. 

Fake diploma apparently, has gained many customers which makes such business a profitable one. 

Minister Nasir has previously reported his suspicion and now investigation upon it is underway.

"I have coordinated with Research and Technology Minister. They will have the data sent by tommorow or the day after," Badrodin Haiti informed, Jakarta, Saturday (23/5/2015).

Badrodin continues informing how there has been one evidence at hand, that could prove the existence of such business functioning as facilitator of fake diploma for those with difficulty in obtaining it the right way.

"We have one evidence and so the investigation will develop from that. We can then trace the culprit behind it," he continued.

"I cannot yet confirm the number of campus or university that has evidently show a sign of providing such illegal privilege for its students," Badrodin added.

Even with him and his team still on the preliminary stage of investigation, the new Head of Indonesian Police said that he will not tolerate such action and will have the perpetrators behind it punished in accordance to their mistake. (Akp/Tnt)

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