South Sulawesi Customs Destroyed Smuggled Cigarettes and Alcohol

Destroying millions of cigarettes and thousands of liquors, Indonesian economy is rescued by Rp 5 Billion

oleh Adanti PraditaEka Hakim diperbarui 23 Mei 2015, 17:26 WIB
Pihak Bea dan Cukai Tipe A sepanjang tahun 2012-2013 juga berhasil mengamankan 1069 botol minuman keras, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Selasa (29/4/2014) ( Fanani)., Jakarta - As many as 5 million illegal cigarettes along with 20 thousands of liquors have been destroyed at the South Sulawesi customs office. 

The Indonesian Minister of Finance, Bambang Permadi Soemantri led the mission himself as he strive to boost the region's willingness, in combating any possible course of action that allows for illegal substances to be smuggled into the country.

South Sulawesi has been known to be a desired location for illegal substances smugglers to embark their products upon. 

Having said that, Minister Bambang is eager to put an end to such illegal business.

"We have to help our very own market strive against the challenges coming from these illegal products and the smugglers behind it that have made our nation’s economy crippled. Thus, it is imperative to keep up such spirit," Minister Bambang said on Friday 22 May 2015.

The executor of such illegal substances demolition from the local customs agency, Supraptono claimed that such mission has been done since early this year and will continue to take place as long as there are still signs suggesting the presence of smuggled goods in the region.

"This mission has prevented the nation from losing as much as Rp 5 billion and has helped it gain Rp 1,5 billion from the fine placed on the smugglers," Supraptono concluded. (Akp/Tnt)

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