RI Government Seeks Routes Option for Evacuation in Yemen

More than 4000 Indonesian citizens in Yemen will be evacuated soon due to the increasingly alarming situation in Yemen.

oleh Putu Merta Surya PutraAdanti Pradita diperbarui 01 Apr 2015, 17:09 WIB
REUTERS/Khaled Abdullah

Liputan6.com, Jakarta The Indonesian government continues to exert all its power to evacuate its citizens currently in Yemen. 

The situation in Yemen has deteriorated shortly after Saudi Arabia executed military operation in the region.

The Indonesian Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Tedjo Edhy Purdjiatno said that the evacuation process will be hastened by allowing for the rescuers to reach the citizens not only using land transportation but also other mode of transportation. 

This means aircraft and other types of transportation will immediately be assigned to evacuate the Indonesian citizens there in order to hasten the procedure before any of the citizens becomes the victim of the exacerbated conflict. 

Apart from that, the government will also take into account any other feasible routes to reach them.

"The land evacuation will be in the city that is situated in the borderline of Saudi Arabia. Should we find any other option or terrain to evacuate them, we will have it considered," Minister Tedjo said at the House of Representatives building, Wednesday (1/4/2015).

Despite the government's effort to evacuate Indonesians in Yemen, there are still some RI citizens who chose to stay in the region notwithstanding the conflict present.

"I have spoken to the Minister of Foreign Relations to evacuate the 4000 Indonesians there. But she informed how not all of them decide to go back. These people have grown accustomed to the situation and prefer to stay there," Tedjo continued. 

Yemen has entered yet another dark days with Houthi Militia attempting to gain prominence and autonomy in the Province of Saada. They have rebelled against the currently in power since 2004. (Akp/Ein)


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