What will be the Punishment for Perpetrators behind Forest Fires?

Indonesian Head of Consultative Assembly shares his view over the forest and land fires which have caused haze.

oleh Adanti PraditaGerardus Septian Kalis diperbarui 27 Okt 2015, 10:00 WIB
Ilustrasi Kebakaran Hutan (iStockphoto)

Liputan6.com, Jakarta The Head of Indonesia Consultative Assembly, Zulkifli Hasan shares his profound concern over forest and land fires all across the archipelago state which have carried with it, pejorative impacts ranging from health to relationship with neighboring countries.

Zulkifli condemns individuals and companies deemed responsible for such inconsiderate undertakings. He realizes that the dire consequences escalated in amount, widened in geographical scale of influence and worsened in fatality rate.

According to him, this already implies the need for Indonesian government to yield a capital punishment justifiable enough to repay all the damages and losses of mother nature, the largely hindered business undertakings, innocent people who suffer from respiratory illnesses, the nation and its decades long effort for its preservation and maintenance.

“We have to prevent any occurrence akin to this one in the future. I strongly suggest for the perpetrators behind the illegal slash and burn of lands and forests all across the country to be given the capital punishment that would make them regret the fact that they have resorted to inexpensive method of pursuing their parochial interest and we have to make sure that such habit ought to stop once and for all,” Zulkifli stated early on Monday 26 October 2015.

Zulkifli further explains the fact that laws specifically prohibiting the slash and burn of land and forest has already been established. The only problem is its implementation and how improperly conducted and seriously neglected such policy has been treated all this time. (Akp/Rie)

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