Governor Ahok Checks Electricity Shortage at Kepulauan Seribu

In trying to develop the Indonesian Thousand Islands region, he wants for shortage electricity supply issue to be addressed quickly.

oleh Ahmad Romadoni Adanti Pradita diperbarui 07 Apr 2015, 16:29 WIB
Pada tahun 2009, Basuki mencalonkan diri dan terpilih menjadi anggota DPR RI dari daerah pemilihan Bangka Belitung mewakili Partai Golkar. Ia sukses meraup 119.232 suara dan duduk di Komisi II. (, Jakarta Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok admits how he has not yet visited the Indonesian Thousand Islands "Kepulauan Seribu". 

The areas which consist of thousands of Indonesian island or commonly called as the archipelago, stretch along the coastline of Java provinces. 

A string of 110 islands have been targeted by both local and foreign people as holiday destinations.

Despite the number of years spent attempting to lead Jakarta, Governor Ahok claims that he has not yet visited this part of Indonesia. 

Today (7/4/2015) marks the very first day of him stepping foot into the location. He decided to pay a visit to the Thousand Islands Administration office.

Governor Ahok expressed his excitement on his first visitation to the location. He also took time to brief the administration staff regarding the development plan in Thousand Islands.

He went to discuss his growing concern on the lack of electricity supply or insufficient power supply facilitated by the Indonesian State Electricity Enterprise (PLN).

"We should warn PLN about the voltage shortage.  Seeing the lack of electricity supply in thousand islands is like seeing someone who is about to die," Governor Ahok said at the Thousand Island Regent's office, Jakarta, Tuesday (7/4/2015).

Governor Ahok furthers his argument about electricity supply and informed the individuals there about the crucial role electricity plays for the regional development.

He took the slums in Jakarta as an example. According to him, slums are immediately transformed into the elite zone due to the presence of efficient electricity supply.

"If you look at Kepulauan Seribu, the lights dimmed, the air conditioner is not chilly like it is suppose to be," Governor Ahok continued. 

Governor Ahok's primary intention to come to the Thousand Island administration office is to inform the government grand development plan which includes discussion on power electricity supply. 

The briefing was done towards dozens of Indonesian Public Civil Servant currently stationed in the area and other regional officers on duty. (Akp/Riz)


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